Virtual Anatomy Laboratory
Virtual Anatomy Laboratory
For medical schools, doctors training and other teaching needs of anatomy, using the HD Virtual Anatomy Table and HD Virtual Anatomy MINI Table for the overall layout, to create a virtual anatomy laboratory. Virtual Anatomy Table instead of human specimens, can be more detailed observation of human organs, tissue structure characteristics, students have a stronger interactivity, operability, while the teaching environment is more environmentally friendly and safe. Create high-quality anatomy laboratory teaching conditions.
Digihuman HD Virtual Anatomy Table is bigger in size and more suitable for teachers to teach, Digihuman HD Virtual Anatomy MINI Table is small in size and suitable for students to operate. The included Digihuman Virtual Anatomy system uses real human data reconstruction to simulate the real anatomy process, combining traditional anatomy teaching with technology to provide an idealized learning solution.
联系电话:+86 0531 63627782
CEO名字:Peter Lyu
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